Thursday, April 2, 2009


So get this … I’m totally putting a patent down on the greatest burn line ever… the verbal shot gun.

The ability to kill all and any conversations. You know those people the ones that come into the conversation having no real interests or in it but want attention and interject a line of dialog that absolutely turns everyone around into a drooling zombie. YES, they no longer have control of their mind or muscle reflects. All of a sudden you are dead to the world and you are thinking ARE YOU SERIOUS!?! WHERE DID THAT COME FROM?!?! You sir, need to shut the pie hole and turn around and leave, Gravitate towards a white dwarf and leave us alone. But no .. any type of sarcasm or reflection at this point on what had just happen is over. All you can do is go back to work, leave or fall lifelessly to the floor. It’s what happens when you are hit with a verbal shot gun. It just sprays everyone in the convo and you all are dead. All I can say is beware of such an individual because they could be anywhere. Should it happen or about to happen all you can do is shoot back with PUT THE VERBAL SHOT GUN DOWN!

Zombies are bad and we need less in the world. That’s a fact and if you don’t believe me go to wal-mart……..

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